A high-end women’s handbag designer received a large shipment of hangbags with poorly finished hardware. The chain strap of the bag was corroding and rusting.
QCI worked directly with the vendor to have new hardware shipped to our facility. All straps were removed and replaced returning the handbags to first quality.
A designer of women’s handbags received a large shipment of bags with a defective snap that wouldn’t close properly.
QCI worked with the vendor to have new hardware shipped directly to our facility. All snaps were replaced to pass the supplied pull test criteria which resulted in the bags being returned to first quality.
A national sporting goods retailer received a large shipment of white leather gloves. Upon initial inspection, it was found that the gloves were turning yellow.
Upon receiving sample gloves, QCI was able to determine that the cause of the yellow color was due to the lack of any UV treatment. QCI worked with the factory and a textile solutions provider to obtain the proper UV treatment. QCI applied the UV treatment to all gloves returning them to first quality.
A big box retailer’s supplier was two weeks late on delivery due to unforeseen factory delays which resulted in the retailer cancelling the entire order. The supplier could sell the backpacks to a different customer if the sewn in labels were removed and replaced with their labels in a timely manner.
QCI quickly removed and replaced the current labels to ensure that order was complete and on-time for the new customer saving the supplier lost revenue and profits.
A high-end retailer of women’s leather handbags received a shipment that was found to be affected by mold through an initial AQL inspection. Mold was found on the inside and outside of the bags.
QCI received the shipment of handbags and got to work on cleaning the bags, inside and out with our proven mold remediation process. All handbags were cleaned, sanitized and returned to first quality.
A large importer of men’s leather wallets found mold on an initial AQL inspection. The shipment was rejected.
After receiving a case of samples for analysis, the wallets were cleaned, remediated and returned to the importer as first quality merchandise.
A prominent high-end outdoor retailer received 5,000 backpacks in multiple styles with mold contamination on units, especially noticeable on webbing and straps.
QCI cleaned and sanitized backpacks and straps, replaced polybags and cleaned master cartons. 100% of the shipment was saved and returned to first quality using our exclusive mold remediation process.
A large importer of low cost men’s belts received a large shipment that was found to have multiple defects. The belts were extremely price sensitive so rework wasn’t an option.
QCI accepted the shipment and sorted the first quality units from the defects. QCI destroyed the defective units and assisted the importer with the customs duty drawback process.