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Quality Corrections & Inspections Works with Local Partners to Make Masks for Coronavirus Relief Efforts

Quality Corrections & Inspections Works with Local Partners to Make Masks for Coronavirus Relief Efforts

Pivoting production on a daily basis to meet the unique product rework needs of apparel and footwear companies is the foundation of what Quality Corrections & Inspections has done to successfully service these business sectors and others for over 30 years.

Quality Corrections & Inspections Makes Maskes to Support Coronavirus Relief

As calls are being made across the country to businesses asking to lend their talents and capabilities to help front-line healthcare workers, grocery clerks, first responders and the public at-large, we’re here and we are raising our hands to say “we can help” in this fight.

In the past two weeks, our team of creative problems solvers have been at work doing our part in supporting the production of a masks and, possibly other protective equipment such as gowns and face shields.  We’ve shared insights about our capabilities with national apparel and footwear companies.  We have also taken action locally with family-owned businesses in our community in order to do our part to make a difference.

Working with local retailer Quiltique, which has a location near our production facility in Nevada, QCI identified an opportunity to lend our support for the production of re-usable fabric masks in our local community. 



Local Partnerships to Manufacture Face Masks to Combat COVID-19

Wanting to support the community where we both do business, QCI committed to set up a production team of seamstresses that had just wrapped up a sewing correction project for an overseas apparel factory.  We purchased fabric, elastic and other materials to contribute to the effort.  Quiltique provided additional donated fabric and materials provided by the owners of the business and their gracious customer base that expressed interest in helping as well through cash donations and other means.

In the first week of the effort, over 1,000 masks were produced and distributed by collaborative non-profit partner It Takes a Village.  Founder Marie Mitchell does work helping breast cancer patients and has relationships with medical professionals in Southern Nevada.

QCI is also partnering with local manufacturer Polar Shades as well.  The company, a maker of high-quality interior and exterior window shades, drapery tracks and retractable screen doors, has recently pivoted their production to produce protective equipment to help in relief efforts.  In the effort with Polar Shades, QCI is performing sewing and assembly operations for the masks and working together the team is producing about 2,000 masks per day on average.  There may be more to follow as QCI could also potentially be engaged to provide other assistance for products such as gowns and face shields.



Contact QCI for Partnership Opportunities to Develop PPE for Coronavirus

It’s in the early rounds of this heavyweight match-up fighting the coronavirus, but we’re in there pivoting, bobbing, and weaving to serve our community and support the front-line workers and citizens to the best of our abilities. 

Please feel free to reach out to QCI if you have an interest in engaging us to help in some way given our capabilities.

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